




Unit 1How we behave iswho we areListening to theworldSharingScriptsP = Pasha; W1 = Woman 1, etc.; M1 = Man 1, etc.Part 1P: Hello. City life can be quite impersonal, so I try to smile at people and thank them whenever they behave kindly, but some forms of anti-social behavior really do get on my nerves. Today I’m talking to people about good and bad behavior. What kind of behavior in public places gets on your nerves?Part 2W1: I think what mostly gets on my nerves is when people listen to their music really loudly on a stereo when you’re on the train, or in a lift. I think that’s a bit antisocial.M1: Um, probably noise more than anything actually. Um, I suppose it’s one of those sorts of things you see in effect in towns, areas now get louder and louder – probably later into the night as we
