




Agenda 面试评估表 Midterm Progress Check It’s the economy, stupid. 是经济,真蠢! Agenda “很鼓舞人心,她人在急症室,但是心系购物!” Unemployment Rate Remains High 失业率居高不下 The Stock Market is up but still at 2000 level. 股市虽然回升,但还是在11年前的水准 - 1.3% Agenda 中国在美国中期选举中成了拳击沙袋 China the Punching Bag in U.S. Midterm Election In a speech prepared for a conference at the European Central Bank on Friday morning, Bernanke said that China’s decision to undervalue the yuan has essentially thrown a monkey wrench into the global economic recovery The Competitive Advantage of Nations 国家竞争优势 产业的集群现象 产业链-休戚与共的优势网络 机会 -可遇不可求 政府角色 - 干预与放任的平衡 服务与制造 - 唇齿相依 Decoding Lewisian Turning Point in China 解密路易斯拐点在中国 Currently 53% of the Chinese still work in rural areas 现在依然有53%的人口居住在农村 Manufacturing still pays 90% more than farming in China and the work
