新概念英语 旧版 第4册 图文版.pdf





1 Findinng fossill man 寻寻找化石人人 Spiderrs are noot insectss, as manny peoplle think,, nor eveen nearlyy related to them.. One cann tell thee

We can read of things thhat happeened 5,0000 yearss ago in tthe Nearr East, wwhere differeence almoost at a gglance forr a spideer alwayss

people ffirst learnned to write. But there are some pparts of tthe worldd where eeven has eigght legs aand an innsect nevver more than six.

now peoople cannnot writee. The onnly way that theyy can preeserve thheir history is How mmany spiiders are engagedd in this work onn

to recouunt it as ssagas–leggends hannded dowwn from one geneeration oof storyteellers our beehalf? One authoority on spiders made aa

to anothher. Thesse legendds are useeful becaause theyy can tell us sommething aabout censuss of the sppiders inn
